Carbon running shoes: pros and cons you need to know before buying

Carbon running shoes have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many runners seeking to improve their performance and reduce fatigue. However, before investing in a pair, it's important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of this type of footwear. This article will cover everything you need to know about carbon running shoes.

Carbon running shoes are a type of athletic footwear designed with carbon plate technology, intended to provide a spring-like effect when the foot strikes the ground. The use of carbon plate technology has become more common in recent years due to its potential to improve running performance.

RELATED: The carbon-plated shoe revolution.

The benefits of carbon-plated running shoes 

Using carbon running shoes has been shown to improve running economy, meaning runners can run faster and more efficiently while expending less energy. This is due to the carbon plate technology in the shoe, which provides a spring-like effect and reduces the energy required to push off the ground with each stride. Additionally, carbon running shoes can reduce fatigue and improve running form, which can help prevent injuries.

The drawbacks of carbon-plated running shoes 

While carbon running shoes have many potential benefits, they are also drawbacks. One downside is their cost, as carbon running shoes are more expensive than traditional running shoes. Additionally, the durability of carbon running shoes may be reduced due to the stress on the carbon plate. It's also important to note that carbon running shoes may only be suitable for some runners and may cause injuries if overused.

What to look for when choosing a carbon shoe

When selecting carbon running shoes, it's important to consider factors such as foot type, terrain, and running goals. For example, runners with flat feet may benefit from a shoe with more arch support, while those who frequently run on trails may want a shoe with more grip. It's also important to consider your running type, as different shoes may be better suited for long-distance running versus sprinting.

RELATED: Top 10 carbon-plated running shoes. 

Caring for your carbon-plated running shoes

To maintain the longevity of your carbon running shoes, it's essential to care for them properly. This includes storing them in a cool, dry place and cleaning them regularly to remove dirt and debris. It's also important to avoid exposing your shoes to extreme temperatures or moisture, as this can damage the carbon plate.

It should be noted that most carbon-plated running shoes will “expire” before traditional running shoes as the carbon plate deteriorates. While a conventional shoe may last 300-500 miles, a carbon-plated shoe may only last 150-200. 

Alternatives to carbon running shoes 

Alternative options are available for runners who do not want to invest in carbon running shoes. Traditional running shoes are still a viable choice for many runners and can offer good performance at a lower cost. However, it's important to note that conventional running shoes may not provide the same support and performance benefits as carbon running shoes.

Are carbon-plated shoes right for you?

Carbon running shoes can provide many benefits for runners looking to improve their performance and reduce fatigue. However, it's essential to consider the potential drawbacks and choose the right shoe based on your needs and goals. Caring for your carbon running shoes properly and evaluating alternatives ensures you get the most out of your running experience.

Don't go it alone! Connect with the team at The Runners Shop today so we can help you choose the right shoes for your next event or daily training.