Run With It

Avoiding Injury While Ramping Up for Spring Races
Spring brings with it the temptation to jump straight into high mileage or intense workouts, especially after a winter of reduced activity. However, this sudden increase can lead to common running injuries such as shin splints, runner's knee, and IT band syndrome. 
Are your running shoes slowing you down?

Are your running shoes causing pain or slowing you down? This guide covers the science behind running shoes, signs of a bad fit, and tips for maximizing performance.

Top ASICS Running Shoes for Peak Performance: A Comprehensive Review

Discover the top ASICS running shoes for optimal performance. Our comprehensive review covers the key features and benefits of each shoe. Find your perfect pair now!

Track Spikes: improve your performance with the best athletics footwear

Get ready to up your game with our high-performance track spikes and performance footwear. Choose from a range of styles to suit your needs and take your athletics to the next level.

How to perform at your best as a masters runner
Once you're over 35, you're in a new category of athletics called Masters Athletics. Running as a high-performing masters athlete is slightly different than when you were in your 20s and early 30s.
Is Running *Really* Bad for Your Knees? Busting the Myth

Pounding your feet on the ground is often a major no-no if you want to keep your joints healthy. But is this true? Is running really that bad for your knees?

How to set realistic goals that won’t disappoint you in 2023
There’s nothing worse than setting yourself the objective of running a marathon in two weeks when you haven’t run a mile in ten years. Although it’s possible, you’re equally likely to injure yourself to the point where you never run again.
There are no more racing flats, only super shoes.

The purpose of racing flats is to make running more efficient and faster. They are lighter than other running shoes while providing less heel lift and support, allowing the body’s biomechanics to do their best work. But despite their benefits, racing flats are not without their problems.

The secret to loving running

If you’re battling an injury, lacking motivation, or simply not achieving the results you know you’re capable of, you may resent the sport of running. In fact, running will break your heart. 

Here’s how you can love running again. 

The science of sweat: running and electrolytes

Every athlete learns from a young age that if you sweat, you need a “sports drink.” But have you ever wondered how electrolytes work and how many you REALLY need? 

Reasons to join a Toronto run club

Are you a solo runner? Why you should stop training alone and join a running club! Runners of all paces, experience levels, and motivation levels can benefit from running clubs, whether they have yet to find their crew or are just looking for the right motivation. 

What is a running base and why does it matter?

What are the advantages of building your base before starting your next training block? Check out what it means means to build a base and why it is important! 

Ten tips for running in hot weather

Many have a love-hate relationship with summer running. Beating the heat is a challenge all runners face. Here are our top ten tips for hot weather running. 

Top 10 carbon running shoes for setting a new personal record.
Carbon fiber running shoes offer a competitive edge even if competing against yourself. If you've tried carbon running shoes, you'll understand why. Here are our recommended top ten carbon running shoes for going fast!
How do you prepare for a race if you haven't been training?

Do you feel unprepared for an upcoming race? You’re not alone. In this article, we give you a number of different recommendations that will come in handy if you haven’t been training properly. 

Race season is coming: How to make it to the starting line injury-free.

Ever been injured or unprepared before a race? As your training builds, here are key tactics you can use to ensure you make it to the starting line healthy. 

Join us for March Miles and Play New Balance RUNGO

No matter what your goals are this month, join us to complete your RUNGO card and you can win some awesome accessories and shoes from New Balance... just for running as you normally would!

Rekindle your romance with running

Sure, remembering the time you accomplished your biggest running goal can be a warm fuzzy memory. Still, it can make where your fitness is at presently discouraging or make your goals seem unattainable for some of you. 

It’s better to start with a clean slate and take it easy. You may have run an effortless 5k in the past but need to take some walk breaks now. It’s also how you stay injury-free.