Reasons to join a Toronto run club

Your new running crew is waiting… 

If you just haven’t been motivated lately or the past two years have put a kink in your running plans, you might need some help getting back on the proverbial [running] horse.

Don’t worry; all is not lost. In fact, a local run club might just do the trick for you! 

What is a run club? 

While this might seem like a silly question, it’s good to understand what exactly a run club is and what goes on behind the scenes of the inspiring race photos and PRs blasted all over social media! 

A run club is an organization where members participate in running-related activities like training, racing, and other events. 

Each club may have different rules, schedules, types of members, and activities, but they are all driven by the same ethos: community builds motivation and strengthens performance! 

Run clubs are for new runners and veterans alike, although some clubs may be more exclusive than others when it comes to the number of members, average running speed and participation requirements. (The Runners Shop is not one of these types of clubs)

Ultimately, the club you choose will be dependent on a number of factors but most likely on when/where the club meets, and whether or not you get a good vibe from the crew :) the only way to do this is to give it a go! 

Why should I join a Toronto run club? 

There are a number of reasons why a runner may consider joining a local run club. 

Sure, you may feel as though running is your way to “disconnect” and recharge your social batteries. But if you have specific goals or want to improve your performance, a club is probably the best place for you! There is a reason the pros all go to training camps ;) 

Here’s why you should consider joining a Toronto running club: 

Running with others improves your fitness 

Have you ever noticed that when your mind is distracted, you can complete more reps of a movement or don’t seem to get as fatigued? 

The same principle applies to running and pacing. When you run in a group, you will be more likely to push your performance and challenge yourself more than you otherwise would alone. 

Running groups help members to stay motivated and accountable, as well. If your buddy or your team is waiting for you to start their workout, you will be less likely to skip out on your own! 

In fact, you may even stay out longer than you normally would because you’re having such a good time or don’t notice how much time has passed. 

Either way, your training will improve when you join a group, we can guarantee that! 

It’s less lonely with your run crew by your side 

If you enjoy running, a run group is a great place to meet like-minded people who you already have something in common with. You’ll make new friends, business contacts, or maybe even a love interest 😉

Remember that running is also just a small part of the people in your run crew’s lives — they’re interesting and cool individuals outside of the sport! Running is also a great way to network with existing contacts, especially since all those feel-good exercise endorphins will be flowing. 

Speaking of networking, easy runs should be done at a conversational pace… so what better way to get your workout in than while enjoying some good chats to pass the time. 

Many run club members also take on new goals or set challenges with fellow group members to keep things interesting! Success is always better when shared. 

Run clubs are safer than solo runs

Another huge benefit of run clubs is the safety aspect. 

If you are new to the city and don’t want to get lost or feel unsafe, running with a group is a great way to get the lay of the land and make sure you get home safely. 

It’s also ideal to run with others if the weather is especially hot, it might rain, or it’s extra cold/slippery in the winter. Should an injury occur or you feel sick, there will be someone available to help you out and make sure you are OK. 

This is especially helpful during workouts or challenging long runs. 

Receive expert advice and coaching 

While you don’t need to sign up for coaching if you join The Runners Shop run club, it certainly helps!

Our expert coaches tailor an individual plan to meet your training needs and race goals, and it’s up to you to execute on their advice. With the help of your new running pals, this should be a piece of cake! 

If your performance has plateaued or you just aren’t as motivated as you once were, joining a Toronto run club is a great way to get the social stimulation and renewed drive you need to achieve your goals!